
Category Archives for "Blog"

What Divorce After 50 Means For Your Retirement –

It’s always so frustrating when you realize that now that you’ve gone through a Divorce (or even after death of your spouse), things change drastically with regards to your upcoming Retirement.  When you are going through your divorce some of the things you need to consider are: Women Have Less Income to Save Loss of […]

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10 reasons WHY small businesses should work more closely with an accountant…and Prosper in 2015 – Ahlstrom Advantage

Pros·per (verb) succeed in material terms; be financially successful. “his business prospered” flourish physically; grow strong and healthy. We don’t think about it, but TO PROSPER should definitely be at the top of the priority list.  Isn’t it why we got into business in the first place?  When the small business owner is first starting out […]

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Can this Retirement be Saved?

CAN THIS RETIREMENT BE SAVED? After your DIVORCE, with too little saved?  I don’t know about you, but I know about me – after I went through my divorce I was back to ground zero.  Everything that we had accumulated during our marriage suddenly disappeared.  Since my ex had quit his job we only had […]

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