How Women’s Financial Empowerment came to be


I am so glad that you have found my website.  My name is Natalie and I am a divorced woman.  I made it to almost 33 years in my marriage before I realized that I couldn’t continue the way it was and needed to start thinking about myself if I was ever going to be happy.  Things were up and down in our relationship for quite a while, perhaps we were just staying together for the kids, but now the kids were adults with children of their own.

It just got worse after he decided to quit his job and be unemployed for 4 years!  After we depleted our entire savings just to survive he finally found another job but it required him to move to another state.  That made it even more difficult… time together at all and when he finally came home for a visit his attitude was,

“Let’s just keep it status quo.”


That was pretty much the last straw and I knew I had to make a change. So I prayed and thought about the idea of being alone after always being in a relationship.  Then I came to the realization that it would be better to be truly alone – alone rather than feeling alone when the guy was in the same room with you.

It’s been a while now and I’m almost back on my feet both financially and emotionally.  And it’s pretty nice.

But I thought about it – it wasn’t easy for me to go through the divorce process and afterward even when I was the one that had always handled the finances.

I couldn’t imagine what it was like for those of you that didn’t have the experience or understanding of your personal finances – what to do in any of the many financial situations that we go through during our adult lifetime.

That’s when I knew that I wanted to help other women to gain empowerment when starting over. This site came into existence because I want to help.  My Blog posts have information to help you to understand what to do in your various financial situations

I hope that we can be there for each other and if there is any question you have please ask it! If I don’t know the answer, I will find it for you.

there is always a way

          Believe me, it will get better!!

          Take care, talk soon,


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